Monday, April 20, 2009

Lake Arthur fishing report

Oh yeah, it was a good day! I caught three more Largemouth this size and about a dozen that were slightly smaller. No dinks at all! This was really the best day of Largemouth Bass fishing I've ever had.

I was using 4 # line, a light-action rod and big Fathead minnows. The bass were eating aggressively, but weren't chasing aggressively.

I had to put the minnow on the bottom and crawl it slowly toward me, but once I figured that out the fishing was fantastic!

I love it when they're so big they won't fit into camera view! (c;


Ken said...

So how big was the fish. I'm asking length. That's all I ever track. I don't carry a scale to track weight of the fish I catch, but I have a ruler marked on several of my rods by using a silver sharpie marker to mark inches.

My last outing got me 2 18" and 1 17" LM.

~Mark said...

Y'know, it never even occurred to me to measure it! I usually only pull the tape measure out for the monsters or to see if a Walleye is legal size to keep. I like to do the "fish on the grass next to the rod" picture, but I was on a rocky pier.

Let's put it this way: however big you think it is, add about 8 inches! (c: