Today that big boy is just starin' at you and darin' you to toss anything his way, anything at all. Not only do you have to get through the weeds but you've gotta get 'round the wood, then you've gotta offer him a meal worth comin' outta that nice, shady, comfy ambush spot from where he just opens up and snaps down any creature not big enough to eat him first, which means almost everything in the water around him is fair game.
He's gonna laugh at your little nymphs and dry flies. Your precious 4 weight fly rod will become his toothpick. You need not only to bring a rod with enough backbone to haul a brick up the side of a building, but flies that old boy sees as temptin' as you see that 18 oz sirloin gettin' char marks over maple wood charcoal in your grill right now.
These are those flies, all tied by me except where noted.

Left side, left to right from top to bottom:
- 2 divers I made using half a foam cutout designed for floating Clousers with white hackle and red Krystal Flash attached to 2/0 bass stinger hooks
- 10 rabbit hair Pike flies of various color combinations on 2/0 saltwater hooks
- 4 Morrish Mice made with hackle instead of deer hair because like so many, I can't leave well enough alone, tied on size 6 streamer hooks
- 2 large leech flies sent to me by my friend Ray (letumgo) from Fly Tying Forum.
- 2 rows of Calcasieu Pig Boats, in colors for whatever occasion, tied on 1/0 and 2/0 Bass stinger hooks, and yes altered from the original (Mine's pretty much Wooly Buggers with extra long hackle and rubber legs)
- 2 sliders of this pattern (4th picture down) which I bought at International Angler
- 4 Burblers that are inserted in the box tail to tail for space and on size 8 bass stinger hooks
- 2 Hot Clown pattern Dahlberg Divers on size 2 streamer hooks
- 2 generic mice on 1/0 bass stinger hooks
You don't stuff a box with flies like this and expect it to close easy...even a Bugger Barn. It sits open like this 'til I force it shut, which I don't do less I'm carryin' it in my vest. Don't wanna squash all the goods.

You do what?
*sigh* I have a lot to teach you.
I recognize that box. I have 2 of those "Craig's Bugger Barn" boxes. For the fly fisherman chasing bass, they are essential. I'll read the Blog posting more fully later today.
Ok, but if you call them "Craig's", Cliff is gonna be mad at you! Lol! (c;
Wait 'til you see the flies in my other Barn.
OK, I stand corrected. I was "close". I knew it was a five letter name that started with the letter 'C'.
Hey, long as it holds fish, right? :)
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