Thursday, March 20, 2008

Catching a 200 pound stingray

My biggest fish so far was a 16 pound Carp. I can't even imagine the fight of a nearly 200 pound stingray, but this guy can:

When remembering today about the amazing tug of war we had with this "barn door size" stingray , I find myself in total admiration about the unbelievable strength it displayed during six hours before giving up. It is absolutely out of this world. We hooked up this 200 pounder at the Bang Pakong River. It then tracted us for miles like you cannot imagine, taking us next to the Nakorn Nayok River, then to the Prachinburi River, then back to the Bang Pakong River again, to be finally landed at the Nakorn Nayok River.

Now this sounds like a whole lotta fun!


MyWorld said...

Sounds like fun! It just needs to be a fly rod...

Two questions, you can moderate it later if you feel like it.
1) Could you link me to the two posts where you won the fly tying competition?
2) It is pure chance that I cam across your profile looking for tying instructions of a bread fly for carp.

I too am a Christian, missionary actually in South Africa. Check out out local forum (small in comparison to the overseas forums) but interesting none the less!

My Forum name there is MyWorld, hope to hear from you soon!

~Mark said...

Hi myworld! Great to "meet" you! I like your forum, it's very friendly, knowledgeable and varied. I just may have to sign up. :)

I dug up the old galleries from the contests I won in, and here is the 2003 contest in which I won the trout category:

Here is the 2004 contest where I won the Largemouth Bass streamer category:

My screen name there is "luvinbluegills", a tribute to my favorite fish!

I don't think we have a posted list of winners more than a year old, but my posts are labeled and where you find me: you'll see the evidence. :)


Anonymous said...

Nice post friend...feel free to visit my fishing site and leave your comment there ,thanks....:Catching Stingray

That Fish Lady said...

That sounds crazy exciting! I can't imagine how hard that would be though.