If you want peace in your heart at the end of your fishing day you sometimes have to be willing to compromise. I've learned to be happy as long as something is tugging my line, so when I set out last Saturday to fly fish for Pike, I was prepared for the possibility of few bites by bringing a rod outfitted for panfish so that if need be, I could make the switch.
After 3 hours of not seeing even a glimpse of Pike I considered exchanging my 8wt for my 4 wt, but first I decided to downsize my fly from the 3/0 Rabbit streamer I was throwing to a 1/0 Calcesieu Pig Boat (black and Grizzly) to see if maybe the bass would come to visit. Lo and behold, they did!
I caught about 4 like this, then they seemed to disappear. So THAT was when I switched to my 4wt and caught enough Bluegills to end the day on a very happy note. Hey, 4 bass like this on the fly and a bunch of Bluegills should be good enough for any man. :)